Skins, leather and industry at Hermannsburg
Pastor F.W Albrecht constantly sought to help make the mission financially independent. He experimented with ways to create employment opportunities for people at Hermannsburg. One of these enterprises was the tannery producing tanned skins, leather goods and kangaroo skin rugs.
Learning at the Mission
One of the most evocative buildings on the mission, it is easy to imagine this building full of the laughter of children, the voice of the teacher leading lessons and no doubt the occasional swish of the cane!
Carpet Snake Memories
Snakes are a fact of life in the Australian countryside but that doesn’t mean that you have to like them! The ‘little Helene’ in these anecdotes was the child of Freidrich Wilhelm and Minna Albrecht. These are her memories, as recounted to her niece Ruth. They provide a glimpse of family life on the mission at that time.
Life as a Child on the Mission
Children don’t always understand the hardship faced by the adults around them. Many of the children on the mission grew up navigating through two worlds. The world of the Lutheran missionaries including church, school lessons, chores and play; and the world of Arrarnta traditions. Unlike many other missions in Australia, life in Hermannsburg did not mean a total disconnect between children, their families and their language.
Mrs Latz’s cabbage
Growing food was something to celebrate and the many photos of mission residents in the orchards and gardens attest to the effort that went into growing the produce that was the life blood of the mission. The joy in harvesting produce in times of plenty can be seen in the proud smile of Mrs Latz as she shows off her giant cabbage.
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Life on the mission was a struggle, characterised by the heat, droughts and hard work; add to this mix jealousies and hostile neighbours and one can expect outbreaks of dissatisfaction, arguments and even violence. Not all of the characters at Hermannsburg were heroes or their actions heroic. Different missionaries and lay workers brought with them their own personalities, prejudices and beliefs and there are elements of history that have been obscured by time, but which hint at dark events.